My New School: A Workbook to Help Students Transition to a New School

Trautman, Melissa L

My New School: A Workbook to Help Students Transition to a New School

Even the slightest change in routine can be overwhelming for students with autism spectrum disorders, so imagine how difficult it must be for them to move to a new school. Whether the move is a typical transition between grade levels, a family move, or any other reason, it is a process that for many students creates worry and anxiety. In her workbook, My New School: A Workbook to Help Students Transition to a New School, author Melissa Trautman speaks directly to students in a very natural and supportive voice. The book takes an honest approach by first acknowledging the difficulty of moving to a new school and then giving students tools to make the transition easier. Through hands-on activities like checklists and to-do lists, Trautman has empowered students to reduce the fear they associate with transferring to a new school.


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